Take Fashion To Bed!
Take Fashion To Bed!
The days’ T becomes night wear because it’s too faded and frayed to be worn in the day. You obviously can’t wear it out because, “What will people say”?
And so the fate of the T shirt changes from being a day T to a night T, worn in the darkness of the bedrooms, not to be seen in the daylight!
There are a few lacy, sexy negligees you possess but they come out of the closet once in a while to lure the husband or the man.
Well, no more!
The concept of sleeping sexily, cozily and comfortably is fast becoming the new normal, man or no man! And it’s not a thing to be done once in a while but every single day for the rest of the life. Many women have started taking fashion to bed.

From loose tops to bralettes to pyjamas to silk negligee or even cool cotton wear. Just go figure out your style, design and comfort. There is insane number of options to choose from.
For a change, be your own judge. Be stylish and fashionable in the bed. Be sexy in the day and sexier in the night.
In fact, good sleep wear really helps you sleep well.
Imagine yourself sleeping in very beautiful, crazy cozy, super comfortable clothes. Did you smile? I’m sure you did and that says it all!
If you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you sleep well. It’s as simple as that!

The concept of nightwear existed only in the worlds of Marlyn Monroe and the likes or in fashion magazines worn by models for a photo shoot. Victoria Secret was for the privileged few and more as the possession value than anything else. Night time was resting time to charge the battery for the next day, that’s it!
The concept has changed. The world has changed. So have the people! Sleepwear fashion is in vogue.
If day is to look sexy, night sexier
If day is for chaos, night comfort
If day is for activity, night pure bliss!
So let’s make our night super comfy, crazy cozy, breathable, relaxing and fashionable, all at the same time.

Sleep tight!
Wake up with a beautiful smile and a super glow on the face. Pamper yourself, love yourself. If you won’t, who will?